Jewish Nevada believes that no one should be deprived of services. Nor do not ask about observance before blankets are offered to a young woman in the wake of a natural disaster. We don’t check synagogue affiliations before we find homecare for a grandfather of six. We don’t insist that families keep kosher to find nourishment in our community food pantry (We don’t even ask if they’re Jewish).
With your support, Jewish Nevada has been able to transcend our many differences to make sure not one person falls through the cracks…From battered communities in need of food, clothing, and homes to live in; to impoverished families in need of opportunity and employment. From young married couples wanting to bring Jewish life to their families - to teens, traveling the world strengthening their Jewish foundations.
And WE ARE NOT done. We need to continue to bring hope to those who experience hardship, vital medications to those who fall ill, and compassion to those who suffer injustice.
That’s why I’m writing today. If you haven’t already done so, I hope you will consider making a gift to the 2017 Campaign for Jewish Needs before December 31st at midnight.
We may live in different areas of our state or city, speak different languages, and lead different lives, but we’re all ONE community – where everyone counts. And we need to be there for each other.
On behalf of those you are helping around the corner and around the world, Thank you!
Todd Polikoff
President & CEO
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