
21 2014

CPT Torah Study

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Home of Rabbi Yocheved Mintz  
702-436-4900 congregation.pnai.tikvah@aol.com

Contact Nancey Eason

On Saturday, June 21st all are welcome to a fascinating Torah Study at 10:00 am (RSVP's required –702-436-4900). Congregation P’nai Tikvah – Rekindling the Jewish Spirit. Congregation P’nai Tikvah is the only Reconstructionist/Renewal synagogue in Nevada. The community’s mission is to “Rekindle the Jewish Spirit” through meaningful spiritual and educational Jewish programming to the Las Vegas Valley through Torah (learning), Tefillah (prayer), Tzedakah (charity), and Kehillah (community). Serving the Jewish Community of Henderson, Green Valley, and greater Las Vegas, Congregation P’nai Tikvah is a joyful warm, welcoming spiritual home for all who are seeking a meaningful Jewish life, blending creativity and innovation with tradition.