
25 2016

Chabad of Green Valley - Special 3 Weeks Class: The Beit HaMikdash Part

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson 10870 S. Eastern Ave
Suite 104
Henderson, NV 89052
7026170770 info@chabadofgreenvalley.org

Contact Georgia Horesh

The Beit HaMikdash, our holy and glorious Temple, destroyed over 2,000 years ago, remains engraved in the hearts of the Jewish people. Every year we mark our mourning for the destruction during the 3 Weeks.

Join us for part one of a special series of classes spanning over 3 weeks, taught by Rabbi Mendy Harlig, here at Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson:
Starting Monday, July 25th at 7:00 PM - Part One: The Command to Build a Sanctuary. Discussing its location, its significance and the aspiration to see it rebuilt.

Monday, August 1st at 7:00 PM - Part Two: The Composition of the Temple & Temple Mount. The Sages of the Mishnah dedicated an entire treatise to the study of the dimensions of the Second Temple - a discussion of the elements of the Temple

Monday August 8th at 7:00 PM - Part Three: The Model of the Temple in the Western Wall Tunnels. In 1990, The Western Wall Heritage Foundation decided to erect a model of the Temple and its environs - not only to try and accurately show the structure and area, but also to reflect the stories surrounding the Temple outside of written word.

Sponsor: Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson