
15 2019

Temple Sinai: Scholar in Residence Maggie Anton

7:30PM - 8:45PM  

Temple Sinai Las Vegas - Copeland Sanctuary 9001 Hillpointe Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Contact Temple Sinai

Introducing Rashi and his community -
an insight into one of the great families of Jewish existence:
Maggie will speak at Friday services about this amazing, medieval scholar and his community, especially the women, Who performed many of what we consider "male" mitzvah such as wearing tefillin and tzitzit, doing circumcisions, blowing the shofar, and having aliyah to the Torah. And especially how they instituted and popularized the ritual of blessing the Shabbat lights.
Friday, November 15, 7:30 pm (as part of Friday services)

Sponsor: Temple Sinai