Barbara retired after forty years as a teacher. She had volunteered for many years with Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Since Barbara did not need the income, she decided to make a gift of $2,000 from her IRA to reflect her support.
Barbara: My pension had benefited from the last stock market boom. I had more IRA income than I needed to cover my living expenses. I saw all of the good Jewish Federation of Las Vegas had accomplished over the years and wanted to give something back.
Barbara called our gift planner and learned of a simple and easy method to make a gift to benefit our organization. Now that she was over age 70½, she had the option of rolling over up to $100,000 from her IRA to charity without paying any taxes.
Barbara called her IRA custodian and requested a transfer of her $2,000 required distribution from her IRA directly to Jewish Federation of Las Vegas.
Barbara: It was very easy to make an IRA charitable gift. The part I like best is that I could help my favorite charity with my required distribution.
Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your IRA gift benefits under federal rules may be different from this person, please contact Daniel Prepas at
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