Birthright: A monumental moment

The opportunity to celebrate Shabbat with this large group of 45, allowed my heart to sing with joy. I have always enjoyed Shabbat dinners but this was by far the best. Singing, banging on the tables and staying up late with these people I have developed such a strong bond with over the last few days.

Being able to celebrate my Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall was one of the most monumental moments in my life. I have made promises to myself that I know I will keep. I'm proud to say I'm Jewish.
To see the relationships develop over the last 10 days from not knowing a single thing about the people surrounding me to looking forward to upcoming events in their lives. These will be friendships that will transcend.

This entire experience has been an eye-opening experience for me that has allowed me to connect with the Jewish religion and community. I am a new woman. These memories will be with me forever, I will never forget this once in a lifetime experience. I am inspired, motivated and dedicated to continuing the Jewish religion and culture.


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