This weekend Jewish Nevada will hold its largest fundraiser of the year – Super Sunday. This is the one day when we offer the entire community the opportunity to have a positive impact on our fellow Jews, be they around the corner or around the world. I am writing to ask that you take one, or hopefully both, of the following actions this Sunday.
The first is that you show up to volunteer for a Super Sunday shift offered between 9am - 3pm at Desert Torah Academy (1312 Vista Drive, Las Vegas, 89102). There will be terrific games and activities for all ages, nosh for volunteers, and super fun atmosphere. Please either show up or email Sarah@jewishnevada.org to register.
The second action is that you answer the phone when it rings. There is a dedicated member of the community on the other end of that phone who has volunteered time out of their day to call you on behalf of the community.
So why is this important?
In the non-profit world, impact is the name of the game. Organizations exist, in essence, to have a positive impact on a community, a need, or a cause. This impact is achieved through the work of dedicated (and often overworked) staff, committed (and often overworked) volunteer leaders, and through creative and collaborative programming. But, the main driver of this impact – if we’re being honest – is funding. In this regard, Jewish Nevada is no different.
One of the more pervasive issues surrounding our impact is that members of the community often mistake their, or other people’s, opinions for fact when it comes to Jewish Nevada’s role. So, allow me to provide a few facts about the impact that we are having in our community.
• Jewish Nevada is the largest funder of both the Jewish Community Center and Jewish Family Services Agency. If you have participated in or benefited from programs or services from either of these agencies (i.e. Maccabi Games, Counseling Services, PJ Library, Senior Lifeline, etc.) it is in large part due to funding from Jewish Nevada.
• If you have a child or grandchild who attends a Jewish day school in our community, Jewish Nevada has annually allocated $300,000 to our four local Jewish Day schools to subsidize tuition.
• Do you have a child or grandchild who has participated in March of the Living or Birthright? Jewish Nevada provides over $25,000 a year to subsidize March of the Living and over $100,000 to ensure two Birthright buses from Nevada.
There are many other facts, but these are just a few examples of the over 70 organizations and programs that received the nearly $3.4 million in impact grants that Jewish Nevada distributed last year. Click here to see the entire 2016 impact report. It is important to note that this funding was granted without qualifying criterion related to stream of Judaism, family dynamic, or nationality. Reform, Orthodox, Israeli, LGBTQ, level of philanthropic giving, were not taken into account - philanthropic intent and impact on projecting and demonstrating our Jewish values of tzedakah, chesed, and tikkun olam (justice, compassion, and repairing the world).
So, if you have been impacted by Jewish Nevada or by any of the other great organizations and programs that we support, please be Super this Sunday, October 29th. Answer the phone and/or join us at Desert Torah Academy at any point between 9am - 3pm. Spend some time with your community, and take this opportunity to help grow and strengthen our local and global Jewish community.
Wishing you a SUPER Shabbat Shalom
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