
24 2015

CNT - Artist In Residence with Patti Linsky

6:15PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Beth Bowman

Save the Date for April 24 & 25
Scholar in Residence program with
Cantor Patti Linsky
Patti Linsky had been the Cantor at Temple Ahavat Shalom for over 24 years when a life-threatening condition derailed her plans and dreams for the future. Following a lengthy recuperation, Patti realized
that a consequence of her surgery, which nearly took her life, was that her singing voice had been compromised and she would no longer be able to perform her duties as Cantor. In 2010, Patti became Cantor Emerita of her congregation,
but instead of retiring she reinvented herself! Find out more about Patti and the lessons she has to share.
Scholar in Residence program is made possible through the generous donation made by Deanne Alterwitz-Stralser in memory of Oscar Alterwitz.