
28 2016

Chabad GV-Do Jews Believe in Resurrection: Class Two - Who is Resurrected?

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson 10870 S. Eastern Ave
Suite 104
Henderson, 89052
7026170770 (Phone)
7026170707 (Fax)

Contact Georgia Horesh
7026170770 (Phone)
7026170707 (Fax)

$ Cost $ 5.00

Do Jews Believe in Resurrection: Answering the Questions of What, Why How and Who?

What is resurrection? What is its ultimate purpose? What about reincarnation? How do we explain the different and seemingly contradicting opinions about resurrection?
While many are curious about the Jewish concept of resurrection, they are also puzzled by the many details and mysteries surrounding it. In this fascinating two part class series, join Rabbi Kalman Shor as he discusses and examines the elements of resurrection and answers some of the questions surrounding this core belief.

January 28th, 7:30 PM - Class Two: Who is Resurrected?
Do only the enlightened get chosen or can anyone get resurrected?

No prior knowledge or study required. Attendance to the first class is not necessary to attend this one.
Cost: $5 per person, per class / $54 Sponsor / $180 Patron

Sponsor: Chabad of Green Valley/Henderson