
18 2016

Farbengen with Chabad - An Evening of inspiration & Song

7:00PM - 10:00PM  

Chabad of Southern Nevada 1261 South Arville Street
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Contact Rabbi Levi Harlig

Join us for an evening of inspiration and song as we celebrate the 19th of the Hebrew Month of Kislev!
Known as a "farbrengen" - a Chassidic Gathering, we are commemorating the 218th Anniversary of the release of Rabbi Shneur Zalman (Founder of the Chabad Movement) from Prison in Czarist Russia, enabling the survival of the fledgling movement!
Inspiring words from various Community Rabbi's as well as Guest Speaker Rabbi Mendy Samuels from Chabad in Connecticut.
Free Admission. Dinner will be served.