
27 2015

JWV Post 64 Open House

9:30AM - 12:30PM  

Suncoast Hotel and Casino 9090 Alta Drive (at Rampart Boulevard)
“Fairway Rooms” on the second floor of the Tower
Las Vegas, NV 89145

Contact Helen Groner

Now that the summer is over and the New Year is behind us . . .

The Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Murray L. Rosen Post 64, Las Vegas cordially invite all Veterans along with their spouse or significant other, as well as the local Jewish Community, to a New Year’s Open House and free Complimentary Continental Breakfast at our regular monthly meeting. The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 9:30 AM at The Suncoast Hotel and Casino, 9090 Alta Drive (at Rampart Boulevard), Las Vegas, NV 89145. The meeting is in the “Fairway Rooms” on the second floor of the Tower.

We will have a “triple” header for this special meeting.
1. We will be honoring our 90 year old WW II veteran members, Gil Boscoe, Herb Cohen, Abe Efros, Gil Fogel and Sam Gurlitz.
2. We have a speaker, Dr. Sondra Cosgrove of the College of Southern Nevada, Dept. of History, who is an expert on Nevada and US Western history, Native American history, Latin American history, culture and politics.
3. We will also have Erik Feldman, a noted magician who has appeared at Caesar’s Palace here in Las Vegas and The Castle in Los Angeles.

There will be a short business meeting to follow.

Please RSVP to Helen Groner @ 702-367-0145 to reserve your place.