Shabbat Morning Experience
- Every Saturday
- Services at 9:45 a.m. in the Solomon Beit Tefillah
- Services open to all ages and includes reading of Torah Portion, and is lay led, where everyone is invited to participate and contribute.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 8:45 a.m. in the library
- Study the Parshat HaShavuah, the Torah portion assigned for the week. The group engages in an open discussion on the meaning of the portion and the relevance in today’s world through the use of multiple commentaries and personal reflection. No prior knowledge of Hebrew or text study experience is necessary for this study group. All study supplies and Torahs are provided.
Our Jewish Heritage Discussion
- 11:00 a.m. in the library
- We read and discuss the evolution of Judaism as a religion from early tribal developments to the destruction of the Second Temple and beyond, from the Reformed Judaism point of view.