The United women's event has celebrated the power of women over the last decade. This is your opportunity to come together as Jewish women and help raise critically needed funds for our local and global community.
This year's United program will feature:
Silent Auction, Luncheon and Guest Speaker, Ruth Ellenson, Author of The Modern Jewish Girls Guide to Guilt.
In addition, we are stepping outside the traditional United Luncheon program and honoring a very special person from the Las Vegas community, Visionary Leader, Faye Steinberg. Faye has been instrumental in the growth of the Las Vegas community and we are proud to honor her at the 2017 United Luncheon.
Ruth Andrew Ellenson is a writer and journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and many other publications. She received the National Jewish Book Award for the national bestseller The Modern Jewish Girl's Guide to Guilt (Penguin Random House), which was selected by Hadassah as a featured book club selection.
Despite its cheeky title, this speech is based on her bestselling book of the same title, is about far more than simply girls and guilt. Rather, it’s devoted to exploring in laugh-out-loud-funny, poignant, and searingly honest original essays by some of today’s top Jewish women writers, all the things that their rabbis warned them never to discuss in public.
Faye Steinberg and her husband Dr. Leon Steinberg to Las Vegas in 1958, when Dr. Steinberg was hired as Sunrise Hospital’s first radiologist. Upon arriving in Las Vegas, Faye quickly became involved with the small, yet tight-knit Jewish community in town. Even with five young children, Faye made community leadership and philanthropy a priority. Both Faye and Leon were instrumental in the founding of the Jewish Federation, and over time helped pave the way to create Jewish Nevada's Women’s Philanthropy Division. Faye’s philosophy has always been, “If not us, then who else?”
Couvert $75
Kosher Style and Kosher Meals Available for Request
Special Gift Opportunity offered by:
Located within Bellusso Jewelers at The Palazzo
Event Co-Chairs Lauren Rogat and Ellen Schaner
Women’s Philanthropy Chair, Judy Stone
For more information contact Arielle Ventura at
Minimum gift of $365 is requested. All funds raised go towards the 2017 campaign for Jewish Needs.