
19 2020

Jewish National Fund's Virtual Book Club

5:00PM - 6:00PM  

Contact Sarah Cohen
702-434-6505 x 243

Looking for an interactive way to pass your time this summer? Join Jewish National Fund for a Summer Reading Series for good reads and thought provoking conversation! Scroll to view the 3 fabulous featured books and authors.

It’s not your average book club where you read the book and discuss it with your friends. JNF’s Virtual Book Club allows you to engage with the author for a thought provoking conversation.

Come ready to both listen and share in a moderated discussion with IsraelCast’s host, Steven Shalowitz and the featured author. Most importantly, have a great time!

Do a mitzvah and buy the books today via Amazon Smile! These books are also available at outlets like Audible, Google Play Books, or wherever you receive your audio or electronic books.

Please register for your desired dates below and a Zoom Conference Call link will be sent to you.

August 19, 2020
8:00 pm (ET)
The Ten Commandments of Character: Essential Advice for Living an Honorable, Ethical, Honest Life by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin