
8 2020

Temple Sinai Reno Live Streaming Passover Seder

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Join us this year for a LIVE-STREAMING Passover Seder at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, April 8 from our Rabbis' home to yours!

Make yourself a nice, special dinner and...

  • Temple Sinai local members -- If needed, we can provide the Haggadah, matzah, and the elements for your Seder plates free of charge. But even if you're going to do it yourself, please fill out the form below to let us know you will join us and what items we should get to you. (If you are able to provide your own Seder foods, please conserve our supplies for those who cannot.) The deadline to order your Seder supplies is NOON on Monday, April 6, 2020 so we can have enough time to gather and deliver them to our local members.
  • Non-Member Guests -- Use the form here to download a free resource sheet which will help you to gather the items needed so you can join us for our Seder. Use the form below ASAP to download our Seder Resource Guide where you will find links to purchase the Haggadah that we will be using. Don't wait; order your Haggadah now so it will arrive in time for Passover! 

Then, join us on Facebook or on our website at 6:00 pm on April 8 for a live-streamed Passover Seder conducted by our Rabbis. Everyone welcome!