Swimming In The Sea Of Talmud
Come and learn with Rabbi Cohen some of our most beautiful and deep texts.
The last year and a half I have been reading a page of Talmud every day as part of a seven year cycle of reading the whole thing! For the uninitiated, the Talmud, aside from the Torah, is the most important book in Jewish tradition. During this spiritual journey, I have found it both moving and silly, insightful and ridiculous, beautiful and maddening. I want to share one text with you from each of the four tractates/sections I have studied so far. In each session, we will learn some technical skills for reading the Talmud (we will refer to the original Aramaic but the sessions will concentrate on the English translation), understand the nature of the book and also discuss some of the big, real-life issues that arise from the text. Talmud sounds a bit scary but I’ve give a lot of thought to how I break it all down and relate it. I feel really close to these texts and can’t wait to learn them with you!
Feb. 10: What do the Dead Really Know?
Feb. 17: Did the Rabbis do Astrology?
Feb. 24: A Single Letter of the Torah Scroll.
Mar. 3: The Center of the Universe
Sponsor: Temple Sinai