What are the benefits of making an IRA Charitable Rollover gift?
•Your contribution will be excluded from your income for federal purposes and will not be taxed.
•The rollover counts toward your required minimum distribution (RMD).
•Giving from your IRA is easy and convenient while making a meaningful gift.
You may not make direct distributions to donor advised funds, supporting organizations, or split-interest trusts, or in exchange for gift annuities.
Who can make an IRA Charitable Rollover?
Individuals who are 70-1/2 or older can make a direct distribution up to $100,000 to JewishNevada. Since congress has extended this popular tax-advantage giving opportunity, your IRA charitable rollover can be used to benefit JewishNevada or any of its agencies.
Don't Delay! Rollovers must be completed by December 31. If you are eligible, an IRA direct distribution is a wonderful opportunity for you to use your IRA to accomplish your philanthropic goals.
As always, we encourage you to seek the advice of your professional advisor before you make a charitable IRA rollover gift.