Choose your Mitzvah!
Vitalant Blood Drive
- When you give blood with Vitalant, you have the potential to help hospital patients within your community and nationwide. Our experienced team members can quickly deliver blood where it’s needed most. Make an appointment to give blood at this year's Community Mitzvah Day!
- Click here to register.
Northwest Park Cleanup
- Northwest Park is a 13-acre Reno park, home to the indoor Northwest Pool. Temple Sinai is dedicated to cleaning up their neighborhood park.
Diaper Drive
- Baby's Bounty supports and empowers at-risk families by providing education and the essential tools to ensure a good start for every baby.
- Women and Children's Center of the Sierras (WACCS) Since 2008, the Women and Children’s Center of the Sierras (WACCS) has worked to support women as they work to escape poverty and improve their lives and the lives of their children. We work with each woman as she walks her path striving to fulfill her goals and dreams.
- Dignity Grows Hygiene Bags. Where Dignity Grows, Women and Girls Thrive: Through a sophisticated national network of professionals, volunteers, and supporters, Dignity Grows ensures hygiene support for tens of thousands of women and girls each year.
- Buy diapers using the button below OR bring diapers the day of the event. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, and pull-ups are needed!
Contribute to the Diaper Drive! Click Here.
Conversation Starter Kits for Veterans
- Volunteer visitors in Assisted Living or Veteran’s Homes often struggle to find ways to engage those they visit. Conversation Starter Kits offer the tools volunteers need! We provide the ideas— you write them on the cards and bag them, an easy task that solves a huge problem.
Participate in the NexTrex recycling challenge! The Trex Company has hosted the recycling challenge since 2006, to educate the public on the importance of plastic film recycling through school and community recycling programs. Aleph Academy began collecting plastic bags on March 18th. Their goal is to reach 1,000 pounds within 12 months to receive the Trex bench for their playground! Support Aleph Academy by bringing your plastic bags to Mitzvah Day! Click here to find out more.